新西兰代写分享Conclusion和Disscusion 语料

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1. Summing up information in the conclusion
2. Restateting aims in the conclusion
3. Summarising the Findings in theconclusionPhrases to use when summing upinformation:

1. This paper has given an account of the reasons for…
2. This essay has argued that…
3. This assignment has explained the central importance of …
4. This dissertation has investigated…Phrases to use when Restating Aims

1. This study set out to determine......
2. The present study was designed to determine the effect of .......
3. In this investigation, the aim wasto assess ......
4. The purpose of the current study was to determine ......
5. This project was undertakento.....
6. Returning to thehypothesis/question posed at the beginning of this study, it is now possible tostate that .....Summarising the Findings

1. This study has shown that ......
2. These findings suggest that in general ......
3. One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that.....
4. It was also shown that......
5. This study has found that generally ......
.6. The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study ......
7. The relevance of X is clearly supported by the current findings.
8. This study/research has shown that......
9. The second major finding was that........
10. The results of this investigationshow that .......
11. The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that .....


1. Discussing the Implications of the study
2. Discussing the Significance of the study Finding
3. Discussing the Limitations of the study/Research
4. Discussing the Recommendations forFuture ResearchImplication Suggestions

1. The evidence from this study suggests that ......
2. The results of this study indicate that ......
3. The results of this researchsupport the idea that .......
4. In general, therefore, it seems that ......
5. Taken together, these results suggest that ......
6. An implication of this is the possibility that .....
7. The findings of this study suggest that ......Significance of the Findings

1. These findings enhance our understanding of ......
2. This research will serve as a base for future studies and ......
3. The current findings addsubstantially to our understanding of ......
4. The current findings add to agrowing body of literature on ......
5. The study has gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of......
6. The methods used for this X may be applied to other Xs elsewhere in the world.Limitations of the Study/Research

1. Finally, a number of important limitationsneed to be considered. First, .....
2. A number of limitations need to benoted regarding the present study.
3. The most important limitation liesin the fact that ......
4. The current study was limited by......

5. The current study was unable toanalyse these variables.Recommendations for Future Research
1. This research has brought to lightmany questions in need of further investigation.
2. Further work needs to be done toestablish whether ......
3. It is recommended that further research be undertaken in the following areas:
4. Further experimentalinvestigations are needed to estimate ......
5. More broadly, research is alsoneeded to determine .....
6. It is suggested that…


