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萨利赫(1987)指出,由于专业人员监督和指导学校辅导服务的迫切需要,教育部要求人员从现有的社会教育主管担任监事之间;辅导计划,除开展正常的工作。教育部也在现有的教学队伍中寻找人才,只要他们有相关经验,可以临时担任学校辅导员。为了满足所有学校辅导员的需要,指导和辅导总局允许那些在心理学或社会工作学学士学位,直到足够的训练有素的专业顾问可以提供执行学校辅导员的角色。为满足受过训练的全职辅导员在学校工作的需要,沙特阿拉伯各大学被要求提供硕士级的辅导和辅导课程。2000年度的统计资料显示,共有辅导导师和学校辅导员共229人(教育部,2000)。2003,辅导员人数迅速增加至4000(Al Rebdi,2004)。教育部(1999)将辅导这一术语定义为互动过程,尽管辅导员帮助学生理解自己,认识到自己的能力和潜力,并给予他更开明的解决问题的方法和如何面对它们的方法。辅导员也帮助学生提高他们的负责任的行为,并显示符合他们的社区。


Saleh (1987) pointed out that, due to the immediate need for professionals to monitor and guide the counselling service in schools, the Ministry of Education sought personnel from among the existing social education supervisors to act as the supervisors; counselling and guidance programmes in addition to carrying out their normal duties. The Ministry of Education also sought personnel from within the existing teaching force, provided they had the relevant experience, to work temporarily as counsellors in schools. To meet the need for school counsellors in all schools, the General Administration for Guidance and Counselling allowed those with a Bachelors degree in psychology, social work or sociology to perform the role of the school counsellor until enough trained professional counsellors could be provided. In order to meet the need for trained full-time counsellors to work in schools, universities in Saudi Arabia were requested to offer guidance and counselling programmes at masters' level. Statistical information for the year 2000 shows that there were 229 counselling supervisors and 3381 school counsellors overall (Ministry of Education, 2000). By 2003, the number of counsellors had increased rapidly toabout 4000(Al-Rebdi, 2004). The Ministry of Education (1999) defined the term counselling as the interactive process though which the counsellor assists the student to understand himself and recognise his capabilities and potentialities and gives him a more enlightened approach to his problems and how to face them. Counsellors also help students to enhance their responsible behaviour and to show conformity with their community.



