新西兰教育学作业代写 教育体系

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加德纳(1983- 1993,1998)为他的智力理论添加了一层微妙的阴影。他将智能定义为创造产品的能力或在不同环境下解决问题的能力。人们有能力对所有八个比特的情报和显示不均匀配置文件通过混合一些情报适应环境的多元智能理论已被应用在许多领域的教育体系包括通识教育课程,课程有特殊需要的学生和特殊类此外,天才儿童Geoff Lindsay(2007)认为“全纳教育主流化是残疾儿童和青少年教育的关键政策目标”。教师可以运用以个人为中心的理论。他们可以使用工具来评估残疾儿童的能力。这可以创造新的教育观点,表明所有的孩子,包括那些有或没有残疾的,在某些方面都是聪明的。根据加德纳的观点,每个人都有不同的智力。在某种程度上,每个人都会有所不同。在课堂上和其他地方有很多不同的方法来使用多元智能理论。在制定课程时,要始终牢记每个人的能力。有时候,很多老师认为有发育障碍的人因为学习障碍而无法学习新东西,但事实并非总是如此。他们的学习能力取决于信息是如何传递给他们的,而不是他们的生理残疾。有了多元智能理论的知识,教育工作者对学生如何更有效地掌握知识和教师如何在假设一个发育性残疾个体的结果之前修改他们的教学方法产生了兴趣。

新西兰教育学作业代写 教育体系

Gardner (1983-1993, 1998), added a subtle shade to his intelligence theory. He defined intelligence as the ability to create products or the ability to solve problems in different settings. People have the ability for all eight bits of intelligence and show uneven profiles by blending some intelligence to adjust to the environment Theory of Multiple Intelligence has been used in many areas of the educational system including general education classes, classes for students with special needs and special classes for gifted children Moreover, Geoff Lindsay (2007) suggests that ‘inclusive education mainstreaming is the key policy objective for an education of children and young people with disabilities’. Teachers could use the theories which are based on individual centered. They can use tools to assess the abilities of children with disabilities. This can create new educational points of view, suggesting that all children, including those with and without disabilities, are smart in some way or the other According to Gardner, all individuals have different bits of intelligence. And at some extent, everyone will differ from each other. There are so many different ways to use the multiple intelligence theory in the classroom and beyond. Always keep in mind the capacity of every individual while making a curriculum. Sometimes, many of the teachers thought that individuals with developmental disability are unable to learn new things because of their learning disorder, but this is not always the case. Their learning ability depends upon how the information is delivered to them instead of their biological disability. With the knowledge of multiple intelligence theory, educators have taken an interest in how a student grasps the things more effectively and teachers are able to modify their methods of teaching before assuming the results of an individual with a developmental disability.

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