汉密尔顿代写assignment 移民文化

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社会生态模型的中系统层次与汉密尔顿市议会相联系,因为它是研究的重点所在。在模型的介系统中,关系将集中于个人与家庭的个人关系以及其他社会实体与整个社区的相互作用。它处理的是两种连接的效果如何相互影响。社会生态模型中的这一层次对于在发表的研究中获得预期结果至关重要。汉密尔顿作为一个城市有着非常丰富的历史。这个名字是以约翰·查尔斯·费恩·汉密尔顿上尉的名字命名的,他于1864年在陶兰加的帕门战役中阵亡。Kirikiriroa是这个城市的毛利人名字,意思是“漫长的碎石”。它是新西兰最大的内陆城市,2016年估计有16万人口。这座城市人口多元化,一半的居民年龄在30岁以下,约75%是新西兰欧洲人,19%是毛利人。它是大约80个拥有不同信仰和价值观的民族的家园。所有这些多样性正在城市中融合,这使得市议会的倡议成为“欢迎社区”计划的一部分,值得期待的是市议会的一项倡议是确保居民在城市中感到安全。考虑到这一点,该市制定了“城市安全计划”(CitySafe programme),该计划的重点是改善城市内部的安全,减少犯罪。这些都是通过市议会、警察和其他机构和企业之间的合作而实现的。作为该计划的一部分,议会在全市各处战略性地安装了预防犯罪的摄像头。巡警在城市中四处走动,为市政委员会充当额外的耳目。他们还支持夜行巴士(Nightrider bus),这是一种深夜巴士服务,为需要深夜回家的居民提供服务。委员会还通过发起提高居民警惕性的宣传活动,努力减少该市的车辆犯罪。为了减少不必要的社区问题,还实施了禁酒和反社会行为宣传(汉密尔顿市议会,2013年)。

汉密尔顿代写assignment 移民文化

The mesosystem level of the social ecological model is connected with the Hamilton City Council, as it is the community that the research is focused into. With the mesosystem in the model, the relationship will be centred towards the interaction of an individual’s personal relationship with their family and other social entities with the entire community. It deals with how the effects of both connections affect each other. This level in the social ecological model is critical towards achieving the desired results in the research that is posted.Hamilton as a city has a very rich history. The name itself was taken after Captain John Charles Fane Hamilton who was killed at the battle of Gate Pa in Tauranga in 1864. Kirikiriroa, which means “long stretch of gravel” is the Maori name of the city. It is New Zealand’s largest inland city and has an estimate population of about 160,000 as of 2016. The city has a diverse population in that half of the residents are under 30 years old with about 75% being New Zealand Europeans and 19% Maori. It is home to about 80 ethnic groups with varying beliefs and values. All these diversity are blending within the city, which makes the city council’s initiative to be a part of the ‘Welcoming Communities’ programme, something to look forward to One initiative of the city council is to ensure that residents in feel safe living in the city. With this in mind, the city has created the CitySafe programme, which is focused on improving the safety within the city and reducing the crime. These are made possible with partnership between the city council, the police and other agencies and businesses. As part of the programme, the council has installed crime prevention cameras strategically located all around the city. Patrol officers move around the city and acts as an extra set of eyes and ears for the council. They have also supported the Nightrider bus, which is a late night bus service that caters for residents needing to go home late night. The council has also made efforts to reduce vehicle crime in the city by creating an awareness drive to help residents to be vigilant. A liquor ban and an anti-social behaviour advocacy have also been implemented in the effort to reduce unnecessary community problems (Hamilton City Council, 2013).

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