
学前教师的教育和专业培训关系到幼儿的学习和发展。幼儿教育教师培训计划和专业发展的影响评价得出结论:只有教师得到专业的培训和良好的报酬,才能获得高质量的学前教育的好处(Barnett, 2004)。研究表明,做好准备的幼儿教育教师为幼儿提供了温暖、安全、有益的学习环境。教师对学生-教师质量和儿童学术能力的认知影响了学生的学术能力。此外,关注房间实践的质量、儿童特征、教师对学校相关气候的感知以及教师对工作压力的感知也很重要。研究发现,教师的数学相关教学量与儿童的数学知识高度相关。幼儿教师对早期数学的态度并没有随着幼儿教师知识的获得而改变。教师的基础教育学历、教育年限和工作经验对儿童的学习有着复杂的影响。所有这些问题本质上都可以通过进一步研究早期教育工作者对幼儿教育的背景、知识和能力来解决。


Education and specialized training of preschool teachers are associated with young children’s learning and development (Barnett, 2004). Evaluation of the impact .of Early Childhood Education teacher preparation programs and professional development conclude that benefits of high-quality preschool education can only be achieved if teachers are professionally prepared and well-compensated (Barnett, 2004). Research shows that a well-prepared early childhood education teacher brings a warm, safe and conducive environment for learning (NAEYC, 2006). Perceptions of teacher on student-teacher quality and of children’s academic abilities proved to influence academic competence among students (Hughes, Gleason, & Zhang, 2005). In addition, it is important to focus on quality of room practices, child characteristics, teachers’ perceptions of school-related climates and teachers’ perceptions of workload stress (Mantzicopoulos, 2005). It was found that the amount of teacher’s math-related teaching was highly associated to children’s mathematical knowledge (Klibanoff, Levine, Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, & Hedges, 2006). The attitudes of preschool teachers on early mathematics do not change as they acquired knowledge of preschool teachers (Alinsinanoglu, Guven, & Kesicioglu, 2009). Teachers’ elementary education credentials, years of education and years of experience have complex impact to children’s learning (Connor, Son, Hundman, & Morrison, 2005). All of these issues can essentially be addressed by studying further within the context, knowledge and ability of early educators for early childhood education.


