
在世界许多发达国家,学校制度被分为公立学校和私立学校。评论家阿多尼斯和波拉德最近抱怨说,英国的教育制度是建立在公立和私立(所谓的“公立”)学校之间的划分上的,这些学校的声望和资源主要流向后者,而不是前者(阿多尼斯,a和波拉德1998)。和英国一样,巴基斯坦的教育系统也分为公立学校和私立学校。白沙瓦和开伯尔机构现有的公立学校系统与巴基斯坦其他地区的学校系统几乎相同。然而,在白沙瓦和开伯尔机构,学校系统有一个进一步的分支,有公立学校、私立学校和私立学校。私立学校被认为是为上层阶级开办的学校,一般只招收来自富裕家庭的学生,而公立学校一般只招收中下层学生。然而,Madrassa是为那些家庭背景较低、由于各种原因无法进入上述任何一所学校的儿童设立的;一个关键因素是可访问性。马德拉萨的学生完全依靠公众提供的慈善机构。在白沙瓦,只有460万学生在公立、私立和私立学校就读。剩下的280万儿童无法接受正规教育(Hussein 2007)。平均辍学率高达每年38%。影响辍学率的因素有很多,包括入学问题、社会和文化问题,尤其是女性的问题、贫困、无知、缺乏财政资源、(与政府和家庭)体罚等。在白沙瓦,超过一半的孩子在读完五年级之前就辍学了。平均而言,女性在学校的时间为1.3年,男性为3.8年。


In many developed countries of the world the school system has been divided into the state school and private school sectors. The commentators Adonis and Pollard have recently complained that the education system in England is based on a division between state and private (so - called 'public ') schools with prestige and resources going mainly to the later rather then to the former (Adonis, A and Pollard S 1998). Like Great Britain, education system in Pakistan is also divided into state and private school. The existing state school systems in both Peshawar and Khyber agency are almost the same as that are provided in the rest of Pakistan. In Peshawar and Khyber agency, however, the school system has a further sub-division having state schools, private schools and madrassa schools. Private schools are considered schools for the upper classes, entry to which are generally limited to students from rich families, whilst state schools are generally for lower, middle class people. Madrassa, however, are for those children from lower class family backgrounds who do not have an access to any of the above mentioned schools for a variety of reasons; a key factor being accessibility. The students of madrassa depend solely on charities provided by the general public. In Peshawar only 4.6 million students are enrolled in the Public Sector, Private Sector and Madrassa. The remaining 2.8 million children have no access to formal education (Hussein 2007). Average dropout rates up to Matriculation level are at 38% annually. There are many factors that impact on the drop out including access problems, social and cultural issues particularly among females, poverty, ignorance, lack of financial resources,(with government and families) corporal punishment and so on. More than half of the children in Peshawar drop out of school before completing the fifth grade. On average, females remain in school for 1.3 years and males for 3.8 years.


