正式的边界分离主权消灭,按照Nederveen Pieterse的说法,需要进入政治以及经济和社会领域。重组状态可见à可见全球化理论几乎是强制的手段对强制停止敌对政府,政治或其他。它需要开放不同的文化线,往往取代规范在一个国家与另一个国家。从贸易的角度来看,经济全球化也可能涉及到一个较弱的经济实践的牺牲,通过采用更强的外国起源。为了促进全球化,各国政府必须愿意牺牲自己的自治权,以便更好地分配世界各国的文化、政治和经济财富。此外,应该指出的是,全球化在很大程度上是通过私有化和外国投资机构执行;全球化的一个关键的批评是国际商业开发自然资源没有互惠发展国家和他们的人民。
The eradication of formal borders separating sovereignty, according to Nederveen Pieterse, entails a foray into the realm of the political as well as the economic and social. Reorganising states vis-à-vis the globalisation theory is almost a means of coercion on governments mandating the cessation of hostilities, political or otherwise. It requires the opening of distinct cultural lines, often replacing norms in one nation with those of another. From a trade perspective, economic globalisation can also involve the sacrifice of a weaker economic practice for the adoption of a stronger one of foreign origin. In order to facilitate globalisation, governments must be willing to sacrifice a degree of their own autonomy in order to better distribute the cultural, political, and economic wealth of globalisation among the world’s states. In addition, it should be noted that globalisation to a large extent is executed through the edifice of privatisation and foreign investment; a key criticism of globalisation is international business’ exploitation of natural resources without reciprocal benefit for developing nations and their people.