


The team leader make her best efforts to ensure the commitment of the members by fostering shared vision by clarifying goals and objectives for which the group came into being. As from the very start specialization was one of the major norm of the group each member of the group was performing the task in which he or she have the best abilities. However, members of the group were given equal opportunities to learn different skills as all the members of the group were helping each other (Jackson et al., 1994). The clear communication, participative leadership, democratic decision making, and awareness of the group process along with sound interpersonal relationship between all the different members of the group were paying to the group. Through effective leadership the team leader was utilizing the full potential of the different members of the group and the group was really paying off in terms of goals accomplishment.

The last stage that was emotionally very disturbing was adjourning was the stage when members of the group accomplished the objectives for which the group was formed. This was very difficult stage as the members of the group developed relationship with each other, however as the task for which the group was formed has been accomplished there was no further need of the group. However, members of the group expressed their intentions that if in the future if they get a chance they will prefer to work in the same team as they have worked during the residential course. The team leader expressed her gratitude to all the different individuals for their participation and commitment and their contribution towards the accomplishment of the team's goals and objectives. Members of the team agreed to the fact that they will continue to have some informal relationship with each other and will help their team-mates if there is a need (Jones et al., 2008).


