In this survey research design, questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect relevant and adequate information. A total of 38 questions were used to seek views of teachers concerning instructional supervision and its relationship with professional development. The questionnaire was organized in to four sections. Section one focused on teacher's demographic, personal, and contextual data and consisted of 15 questions. The second section sought data on teachers' perceptions of actual and ideal supervisory approaches. This section consisted of 7 questions. With each question about various approaches to supervision, a definition of each supervisory practice was included. Section three, which consisted of 11 question items, focused on data related to teachers' reactions to instructional supervision, and section four sought data on the connection of instructional supervision and professional development. This section contained 5 items. Apart from the first section, the respondents were asked to respond to questions on a five point Likert scale to indicate their level of agreement with each response. The opportunity for written responses was provided in the last part of the survey, requesting 200 respondents to share any other comments on ways in which instructional supervision could be improved. Comments were recorded and used to enhance the presentation of data and to complement the discussion of the findings.