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Finally, the research is emphasizing the needs to increase the number of respondents, and needed to expand larger coverage of organizations and professional employees. The wider scope as it may goes, the possibility differ outcome it may be. The factors identified and tested in this study which distributed into organizational level and job level are proven related to the individual intention to stay and to quit. Thus, the finding show significant positive for human resource and organization to design a robust strategy to retain employees. The negative impacts due to turnover or quit the job that discussed in this review could be alleviated by the help of to understand the factors influence the intention to stay and to quit. However, one of the factor in the framework model, which is compensation, may cause the small, medium, enterprises organizations to consider to use it as one of the retention strategy as they are unable to offer competitive compensation packages compare to larger organizations who use compensation as one of their retention strategies, this is supported by Ghosh et al. (2013) stated large organizations could afford to provide better compensation package such as appreciation and recognition award. In the other hand, the future research suggested in the paper is to examine the relation between employee engagement, employee retention and organizational performance. The significant of the future research would create a wider scope for the organization to understand and harvest the benefit of retention strategies.


