蜂蜜和芒福德(1992年,p . 1),例如,学习风格定义为“态度和行为的描述,确定个人的偏爱的学习方式”。镶嵌地块(1996,18页)学习风格定义为“特色优势和偏好的方法(学习者)接受和处理信息”。詹姆斯和加德纳(1995,20页)定义的学习方式更精确地说,学习风格是“复杂的方式,和条件下,学习者最有效和最有效地感知,过程,商店,和回忆他们试图学习”。人们学习的方式是不尽相同的倾向于采用一种特定的学习策略。大多数学生有一个首选的学习方式,但有些人可能会调整自己的学习风格根据任务(帕斯克,1976)。学习方式也可能被定义为个人品质影响学生获取信息的能力,与同伴和老师交流,否则参与学习经验(1996年Grasha,里斯本)。学习风格特征,指的是个体如何方法学习任务和处理信息(坎普,莫里森&罗斯,1998,p . 40)。詹森(2003)将它定义为一个优先的思维方式,处理和理解信息。 根据学习风格的意义的想法和方面,其他方面,如学习策略和认知风格中经常使用类似的上下文或甚至可互换的术语学习风格。在接下来的段落,定义,介绍了学习策略与认知风格和学习风格的差异。
Honey and Mumford (1992, p. 1), for example, defined learning styles as "a description of the attitudes and behaviors which determine an individual's preferred way of learning". Felder (1996, p. 18) defined learning styles as "characteristic strengths and preferences in the ways they [learners] take in and process information". James and Gardner (1995, p. 20) defined learning styles more precisely by saying that learning style is the "complex manner in which, and conditions under which, learners most efficiently and most effectively perceive, process, store, and recall what they are attempting to learn". People learn in different ways as the tendency to adopt a particular strategy in learning. Most students have a preferred learning style but some may adapt their learning styles according to tasks (Pask, 1976). Learning style may also be defined as personal qualities that influence a student's ability to acquire information, to interact with peers and the teachers, and otherwise participate in learning experiences (Grasha, 1996, p.41). Learning styles are traits that refer to how individuals approach learning tasks and process information (Kemp, Morrison & Ross, 1998, p. 40). Jensen (2003) defined it as a preferred way of thinking, processing, and understanding information.Depending on the ideas and aspects of the meaning of learning styles, other terms such as learning strategy and cognitive style are often used in a similar context or even interchangeable to the term learning style. In the following paragraphs, definitions of the terms learning strategies and cognitive styles are introduced and the difference to learning styles is described.