
在研究了各种心理学家的研究之后,该隐站在内向的一边,指出它是创造力和思想的一个重要因素。根据她的另外一条“新群体的崛起和单独工作,”她在Steve Wozniak先生的生活中使用的典型的一天的力量,苹果联合创始人,作为一个有价值的实例。Wozniak的大部分作品来自所有的时间和努力在他的办公室在休利特帕卡德。他会在早上六点半左右独自到达,阅读建筑杂志,检查芯片手册,制定计划,在脑海中构思设计。下班后,他回家,以最快的速度意大利面或微波餐,然后驱车回到工作场所和工作直到它通过午夜。他描述了这段安静的午夜孤独的清晨为“最大的高过。”Steve Wozniak是一个最大的名字有说到内向的天才。当看到Steve Wozniak作为一个有价值的例子,该隐承认内向的重要性以及它是如何在人们的工作和创造巨大的帮助。此外,她陈述了两个主要的原因,有助于加强她的确认,使它更牢固。两个主要原因是内向与创造力之间的长期联系和人们的生产力。


After researching various studies of psychologists, Cain stands on the side of introversion, stating that it is an important factor for creativity and thoughts. And according to another one of her article "The Rise of the New Groupthink and the Power of Working Alone" she uses a typical day in the life of Mr. Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, as a valuable example. Most of Wozniak's work came from all the time and hard work of inside his cubicle at Hewlett-Packard. He'd arrive alone around 6:30 am, early in the morning, read building magazines, and examine chip manuals, making plans, setting up designs in his mind. After work, he'd go home, make a speedy spaghetti or Microwavable meal, then drive back to the workplace and work even until it passes midnight. He describes this period of quiet midnights and solitary early morning as "the biggest high ever." Steve Wozniak is one of the biggest names there is when it comes to introverted geniuses. As seeing Steve Wozniak as a valuable example, Cain acknowledges the importance of introversion and how it can be a tremendous help in people's work and creativity. Also, she states two main reasons that help strengthen her acknowledgements and make it even more solid. Those two main reasons are the long-time bond between introversion with creativity and people's productivity.


