厄瓜多尔的公立学校系统在农村地区的人拥有许多问题。教学方法的不一致是紧随其后的是逃课现象普遍,父母更愿意把孩子送到工作而不是在农村学校招收他们。有限的访问学校和额外的成本对于那些在农村学生厄瓜多尔的一些主要因素,影响入学率和出勤率。有巨大的差异和不平等现象明显当比较城市和农村教育体系。尽管公共教育是免费为孩子们年龄在五到十五岁,入学率遭受极大地在农村地区。在城市发达地区,孩子们平均12年的教育,孩子们从农村厄瓜多尔平均只有四年(Cibilis et al . 2003年)。这些孩子有四年的学校教育,只有百分之十九的农村人口总数是参加学校相比,城市人口总数的百分之八十(2003年同前)。教育不公平现象也影响这些孩子想参加高等教育水平只有百分之二最贫穷的分位数参加高等教育(同前2003)。厄瓜多尔政府必须学会如何分散他们的资金同样在社区教育实践和可访问性是相同的每一个孩子。
The Ecuadorian public school system posses many problems for people in rural communities. The inconsistency in teaching methods are followed by widespread truancy as parents would rather send their child to work as opposed to enrolling them in a rural school. Limited access to schools and extra student costs for those in rural Ecuador are some of the major factors that affect enrollment rates and attendance. There are vast differences and inequities that are noticeable when comparing urban and rural education systems. Although public education is free for children ages five to fifteen years old, enrollment rates suffer drastically in rural communities. In urban developed areas, children have an average of twelve years of schooling while children from rural Ecuador only have an average of four years (Cibilis et al. 2003). Of those children who had four years of schooling, only nineteen percent of the total rural population is enrolled in school compared to eighty percent of the total urban population (Ibid 2003). Education inequities are also affecting those children who wish to attend higher education levels as only two percent of the poorest quantile attend higher education (Ibid 2003). The Ecuadorian government must learn how to disperse their funding equally among communities so that education practices and accessibility is the same for every child.