
女性独立是贯穿于整个党卫军的一个反复出现的主题,而在18世纪,奥斯丁再次以恰当的方式传达了她的观点。奥斯丁描绘了那些被男人抛弃的女人,首先在亨利·达什伍德的死中表现出来,在一个金融不稳定的世界里留下了他的遗孀和三个女儿。后来,玛丽安的约翰·威洛比因经济原因抛弃了她,离开了她,而他却偏离了他们在伦敦的依恋。后来,埃莉诺发现了爱德华与露西·斯蒂尔(Lucy Steele)的秘密订婚,在这本书的前半部分结束后,在奥斯丁的世界里,男人在任何意义上都有失败的女人:浪漫的、经济上的、婚姻的。在莎士比亚的戏剧中,男人是痛苦的凡人,而不是社会的灯塔。奥斯丁笔下的女性角色是一个充满活力的角色,让人联想起男性角色的刚性;在发展和揭露她的女性角色的方方面面,奥斯丁的发展中的男性角色成为了操控者和文学作品,为情节和女性主角的改善做出了贡献。“好”男主角从不改变:埃丽诺和玛丽安对他们的看法发生了变化。爱德华仍然是社会圈子的受害者,而约翰则恰恰相反,他正是玛丽安所认识的所有人。他的放荡和表里不一,在他与格雷小姐订婚的宣言中达到了高潮。在约翰与富有的女继承人订婚后,玛丽安和布兰登上校结婚了,他一直坚持自己的诺言,仍然是一个“好人”。


Feminine independence is a recurring theme throughout SS, and once again, Austen communicates her points in an 18th century-appropriate manner. Austen portrays women who are constantly abandoned by men, manifested first in the death of Henry Dashwood, leaving his widow and three daughters in a world of financial instability. Later, Marianne’s John Willoughby abandons her for financial reasons, leaving her while he deviates from their attachment in London. Elinor later discovers Edward’s secret engagement to Lucy Steele, and following the end of the first half of the book, men have failed women in Austen’s world in every sense: romantically, financially, and matrimonially. Men are made painfully mortal and are hardly the beacons of society portrayed in Shakespeare plays. Austen’s portrayal of women as dynamic characters evokes rigidity in favorable male characters; in developing and exposing all aspects of her female characters, Austen’s developing male characters become the manipulators and the literary devices that contribute to the plot and the betterment of female protagonists. The “good” male characters never change: what changes is Elinor and Marianne’s perception of them. Edward remains a victim of social circles, where John in turn is revealed to be exactly what everyone other than Marianne had known him to be. His debauchery and duplicity grows, culminating in his declaration of engagement to Miss Grey. Following John’s engagement to the wealthy heiress, Marianne weds Colonel Brandon, the man who all along had stood by his word and remained the static “good guy”.


