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Mary Anne Warren proposes an animal rights argument known as the weak animal rights position. First, I will be describing Warren’s description of the positions and the arguments in support of it. Next, I will propose the objection to Warren’s position that using sentience as the distinguishing characteristic promotes detrimental environmental policy. Then, I will argue that sentient animals act as an umbrella species that protect the environment. Finally, I will describe why my objection to Warren’s argument is the stronger argument. In this paper, I will argue that Warren’s weak animal rights position is incorrect and that bad environmental policy can result from her argument.In the paper “Difficulties with the Strong Animal Rights Position,” Mary Anne Warren argues for an animal rights position called the weak animal rights position. This animal rights position states that all sentient animals have rights; however, the rights of those nonhuman animals are not as strong as those of humans. First, I will describe what Warren means by sentient. Sentient animals means all animals who are “capable of have experiences, including experiences of pleasure or satisfaction and pain, suffering, or frustration” (Warren, p. 164). This can be simplified to all animals that feel pain. Warren’s animal rights position includes a wide range of animals. The position also gives people a method to deal with differences between nonhuman animals rights strength. For example, should mice be given the same rights as an elephant? The weak animal rights position says that the rights of animals from different species can have levels of strength. To justify this claim Warren states that the strength of animal’s right is based off of the animal’s mental sophistication. The more mentally sophisticated an animal is the greater their ability to suffer is, thus the stronger its rights are. It would still be wrong to kill mice without a justifiable reason, but it would not be a wrong as killing an elephant without a justifiable reason


