
安德森的智力发展也受到了一系列非哲学思想家的影响,包括詹姆斯·乔伊斯、马修·阿诺德、西格蒙德·弗洛伊德、卡尔·马克思、乔治·索雷尔、詹巴蒂斯塔·维克、亨里克·易卜生、费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基和赫尔曼·梅尔维尔。他在二十世纪早期的马克思主义和共产主义文学作品中读得特别好,熟悉恩格斯、列宁、托洛茨基、布哈林、考茨基和斯大林的作品。虽然这些不同的政治和文化影响不能说完全符合安德森的整体哲学体系,但他对这些思想家的兴趣意味着,他的学生获得的教育在范围上比当时世界上其他英语国家的大学要“大陆化”得多。在非常真实的意义上,安德森的学生接受的教育是独一无二的。这种多样的知识和文化背景,再加上他的系统哲学的逻辑学科,使他的许多学生在各种学术和非学术职业中获得成功。在哲学方面,他的学生包括约翰·帕斯莫尔(John Passmore)、约翰·l·麦凯(J.L. Mackie)和d·m·阿姆斯特朗(D.M. Armstrong)。除了这些杰出人物之外,安德森的学生在学术哲学方面的成就超过30人,教授也超过12人。这些人包括亚历克·里奇(哲学教授)、大卫·凯思(哲学副教授)、A.J.贝克、比尔·多尼拉(哲学教授)、桑迪·安德森、露丝·沃克、金·李科斯、玛格丽特·麦凯、盖尤斯·麦金塔、乔治·莫尔纳(作家、鲍尔斯)。艾伦·奥尔林(作家,现代生物学和自然神学),珀西·帕特里奇(哲学教授),汤姆·罗斯(哲学副教授),维克·杜德曼,罗伯特·麦克劳克林,埃里克·道林,格雷厄姆·庞特和大卫·多克里尔。


Anderson’s intellectual development was also influenced by a range of non-philosophical thinkers including James Joyce, Mathew Arnold, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Georges Sorel, Giambattista Vico, Henrik Ibsen, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Herman Melville. He was particularly well read in the Marxist and Communist literature of the early twentieth century, being familiar with the works of Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Kautsky, and Stalin. While these various political and cultural influences cannot be said to fit neatly into Anderson’s overall philosophic system, his interest in these thinkers meant that his students gained an education that was much more ‘continental’ in scope than was typical at other English-speaking universities around the world at that time. In a very real sense, Anderson’s students received an education that was unique. This diverse intellectual and cultural context, when coupled with the logical discipline of his systematic philosophy, enabled many of his students to succeed in a variety of academic and non-academic occupations.In philosophy, his students included John Passmore, J.L. Mackie, and D.M. Armstrong, whose collective work in metaphysics, ethics, and the history of philosophy, contributed greatly to the development of philosophy during the last quarter of the twentieth century. [Armstrong 2001, Passmore 1997] Apart from these luminaries, Anderson’s students who pursued careers in academic philosophy number more than thirty and comprise more than a dozen professors. These include Alec Ritchie (Professor of Philosophy), David Stove (Associate Professor of Philosophy), A.J. Baker, Bill Doniela (A/Professor of Philosophy), Sandy Anderson, Ruth Walker, Kim Lycos, Margaret Mackie, Gaius MacIntosh, George Molnar (author, Powers: a Study in Metaphysics), Alan Olding (author, Modern Biology and Natural Theology), Perce Partridge (Professor of Philosophy), Tom Rose (Associate Professor of Philosophy), Vic Dudman, Robert McLaughlin, Eric Dowling, Graham Pont, and David Dockrill.


