在人类社会和认知发展的许多领域都存在性别差异。先前的研究已经表明,性别影响语言学习策略起着重要的作用(LLS)的英语作为第二语言(ESL)的学习者。研究通过Maccoby & Jacklin 1974完成,表明女性在社会活动中更感兴趣比较男性;女性比男性的竞争和更多的合作(Kamarul Shukri et al.,2009)。在学习英语作为第二语言,以往的研究数据发现,女性和男性使用不同的策略。波利策(1983)表明,女学生的社会学习策略往往比男学生在他的研究在美国的外国留学生的(Kamarul Shukri et al.,2009)。在大多数研究中关于性别与语言学习策略,结果表明,使用的语言学习策略(LLS)作为一个整体,女性比男性更经常地。然而,一些研究表明,男性学生使用更多的学习策略(LLS)比在某些类别的女学生。
Gender differences have been found in many areas of human social and cognitive development. Previous research have shown that gender play an important role in influencing the language learning strategies (LLS) of English as second language (ESL) learners. A research done by Maccoby & Jacklin, 1974, indicated that females are more interested in social activities compare to males; females are less competitive and more cooperative than males (Kamarul Shukri et al., 2009). In learning English as second language, previous research data found out that females and males used different strategies. Politzer (1983) indicated that female students used social learning strategies more often than male students in his research regarding foreign language students in U.S (Kamarul Shukri et al., 2009). In most studies regarding gender and language learning strategies, the results showed that females used language learning strategies (LLS) as a whole more often than males. However, some studies showed that male students used more Language Learning Strategies (LLS) than female students in certain categories.