流动性比率衡量的是一家公司的能力和清偿债务的能力。短期流动比率与流动资产和流动负债有关,因为Sainsbury在短期内(12个月)的财务状况良好。流动比率衡量的是流动资产覆盖流动负债的次数。流动比率越大,对Sainsbury 's越有利,因为这意味着Sainsbury 's可以在短期内允许更多的流动债务。然而,在过去的五年里,Sainsbury的流动负债已经超过了流动资产,如下表所示。这意味着森宝利无法偿还短期债务。这可能会给Sainsbury带来问题,因为债权人寻求高流动比率,因为这显示了高流动性(Hiller, Ross, & Randolph, 2013)。相比之下,塞恩斯伯里的竞争对手特易购(Tesco)则表明,过去3年,它们的流动资产一直高于流动负债。在债权人看来,乐购比森宝利更有可能获得信贷。像Sainsbury 's这样的大公司拥有负净营运资本是非常不寻常的,然而,重要的是,低流动比率并不一定意味着Sainsbury 's将要破产(Hiller, Ross, & Randolph, 2013)。森宝利声称,他们相信,在2016年年底,他们的流动负债将大幅减少.
Liquidity ratios measure the competence of a company and the company’s ability to settle debt. The short-term liquidity ratios are concerned with current assets and current liabilities in view of Sainsbury’s financial position over a short term period (twelve months). The current ratio measures the number of times that current assets cover current liabilities. The greater the current ratio the more beneficial it is for Sainsbury’s, as this signifies how Sainsbury’s can allow more current debt in the short term period. However, for the past five years Sainsbury’s current liabilities have exceeded their current assets, as shown in the table below. This means Sainsbury’s are not meeting their short term debts. This can cause problems for Sainsbury’s as creditors look for high current ratio’s as this shows high liquidity (Hiller, Ross, & Randolph, 2013). In comparison, Sainsbury’s competitor Tesco shows how over the past 3 years they have maintained having greater current assets than current liabilities. In the eye of creditors, it is much more likely that Tesco would gain credit over Sainsbury’s. It is very unusual for a company as large as Sainsbury’s to have a negative net working capital however, it is critical to state that a low current ratio doesn’t necessarily mean Sainsbury’s is going to become bankrupt (Hiller, Ross, & Randolph, 2013). Sainsbury’s have claimed how they believe that their current liabilities will lessen a great amount in their 2016 yearend.