
教师和研究人员已经意识到学习方式的重要性。教育工作者多年来注意到,一些学生喜欢某些方法的学习比其他(壳,1991)。研究学习风格已经发现,学生的学习方式影响学习环境中的性能。学习方式形成学生的独特的学习偏好和帮助教师学习/教学环境的规划(坎普,莫里森&罗斯,1998,p . 40)。如上所述,Coffield et al .(2004 b),约有2000篇文章被写相关相类型指示器(迈尔斯布里格斯,1962年)在1985年和1995年之间,1985多人的出版物已经写过科尔布学习风格模型(科尔布,1984)以及邓恩和邓恩学习风格模型(邓恩和邓恩,1974)。大量研究调查了学习风格的影响在社区大学课程(特里琼斯,Reichard & Mokhtari称,2003年,2001年)。很少有研究评估学生的认知学习风格和混合学习环境(Lemire,2002;Raschick五朔节花柱&天,1998;泰瑞& Dringus 1999;辛普森& Du 2004;里士满&刘2005)。关于学习风格的研究大多集中在学习者的成功在传统的学习环境中,学习环境态度或参与的学习环境(Akkoyunlu &乌特,2008)。研究人员在文献中没有发现任何调查相关海事教育和培训领域的学习方式。


Instructors and researchers have realized the importance of learning styles. Educators have for many years noticed that some students prefer certain methods of learning more than others (Shell, 1991). Researches on learning styles have found that students' learning styles affect performance in a learning environment. Learning styles form a student's unique learning preference and help instructors in the planning of learning/teaching environment (Kemp, Morrison & Ross, 1998, p. 40).As stated by Coffield et al. (2004b), about 2000 articles have been written related to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Briggs Myers, 1962) between 1985 and 1995 and more than 1000 publications have been written about the Kolb learning style model (Kolb, 1984) as well as the Dunn and Dunn learning style model (Dunn and Dunn, 1974). Numerous studies have investigated the impact of learning styles in community college courses (Jones, Reichard & Mokhtari, 2003, Terry, 2001). Few studies to date have evaluated the students' perceptions in learning styles and blended learning environment (Lemire, 2002; Raschick, Maypole & Day, 1998; Terrell & Dringus, 1999; Simpson & Du, 2004; Richmond & Liu 2005). The studies about learning styles mostly focus on the success of learners in traditional learning environments, attitudes towards learning environments or the rate of involvement in the learning environment (Akkoyunlu & Soylu, 2008). The researcher didn't find in the literature any investigation correlating the learning styles with the Maritime Education and Training field.


