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Based on this premise, lower wage rates are paid to non-whites who graduate from low standard high schools. However, the few non-whites families who fall into a higher income category and can afford better housing in developed districts have a positive influence on the educational life of their children. Evidently, children brought up in these homes are privileged because of their access to quality high schools within the district they reside. We therefore argue that there is a higher possibility for children from these wealthy homes to continue their college education. In effect, the higher wages received by the college graduates has a stronger effect in increasing the college wage gap among the non-whites. Since most of the whites are in the high-income group, good housing is readily available to them. Children from these homes are naturally enrolled into good schools which reinforce their educational attainment. From this perspective, high school graduates are paid wages which are higher than that which would have been received if they had graduated from a low quality high school. For instance, evidence from table 1.5 shows the mean of the log hourly wage for both whites and non-white high school and college graduate for years under study. We find that on average white high school graduates have greater wages than their non-whites colleagues. One then expects the extent of wage gap between college graduates and high school graduate among the whites to be lesser than that of the non-whites. If the income distribution between whites and non-whites is uniform at each period, college wage premium will not differ much across race.


