
一开始,人们认识到社交媒体可以被用在一个好的方面,但每一个好的都伴随着一个坏的。当问题失控时,大多数公民会向谁求助?执法。国际警察局长协会(BJA, 2012)认识到执法部门严肃对待网络欺凌。无论你来自哪个州,都有法律禁止网络欺凌(BJA, 2012)。如果有人是网络欺凌的受害者,而且他们不信任学校或社区的成年人,警察会帮助他们。许多学校在校园里都有一名校务主任。虽然有执法部门的帮助,但学习防御策略总是好的,这样就可以随时做好准备(BJA, 2012)。它还说,警察已经接受了如何介入、拿走设备、记录任何有害或带有任何贬义的信息以及如何妥善管理和处理罪犯的培训。如果情况已经糟糕到必须由执法部门介入的地步,那么已经产生了一些后果。根据Gillespie(2006)的研究,一个人如果被指控犯有沟通罪,最多可以被监禁6个月。并不是所有的网络欺凌案件都会被发现。为了实施传播犯罪,必须通过个体之间的传播来实施犯罪虐待(Gillespie, 2006)。


At the beginning, it was recognized that social media can be used in a good way, but every good comes with a bad. When there is an issue that gets out of hand who do most citizens turn to? Law enforcement. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (BJA, 2012) recognizes that law enforcement takes cyberbullying seriously. No matter what state you are from there are laws against online bullying (BJA, 2012). If someone is a victim of cyberbullying and they do not trust an adult at the school or in the community, the police are there to help. Many schools have an School Resource Officer on campus. Although law enforcement is there to help, it is always good to learn the defensive tactics so one can be prepared at any time (BJA, 2012). It also stated that police are already trained on how to step in, take away devices, record any messages that are harmful or derogatory in any way, and how to properly manage and deal with the offender. If the situation was bad enough to where law enforcement had to step in there are consequences already set in place. According to Gillespie (2006) a person who is charged with a communication offense can be incarcerated for a maximum of six months. Not every case of cyber bullying will be caught. In order for a communication offense to be committed the crime abuse must be done through communication between one individual to another (Gillespie, 2006).


