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Tertiary education refers to all post-secondary education, including but not limited to universities, like technical training institutes, community colleges, research laboratories and more (World Bank Group, 2013). Compulsory education is universally accepted as basic human rights but when the question leads to the extension to tertiary education, people always doubt the necessary of the expansion. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, ‘Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.’ This proves that tertiary education is part of the human rights that could ensure the equality of opportunity for everyone. It could form a linkage of institutions that support the manufacture of the higher-order capacity necessary for development. Since Hong Kong’s Gino Coefficient has reached to 0.537 (Census and Statistics Department andSocial Welfare Department, 2011), many students could not afford the tuition for colleges. These undergraduates, who do not acquire any specialties, would find some low payment job and their social mobility is limited. Even in the same generation, their intra-generational social mobility is also respectively less than the others because of the lower education qualification. A vicious circle could be formed that they remain being as the bottom class of the society. It is unfair to the citizen since all of us could have the equivalent chances. The opportunity of getting tertiary education shall be equal, no matter the citizen is wealthy or poor.


