
在过去的十年见证了任务型教学方法的出现,在不同的名称,包括基于问题的学习,情境学习和基于案例的学习。虽然名字不同,但它们似乎都有一个共同点:它们让学习者参与到任务或问题中去,与传统的以主题为中心的课程方法相对比。(美林,2007)。任务型学习的支持者认为,与现实世界中的问题的学习者形成适当的模式和心理模型,因为他们合作解决问题,并反映他们的经验。任务型教学法在医学训练、社会工作、设计和语言学习等学科领域得到了广泛的应用。本文将讨论的任务型教学方法的含义,第二语言学习的方法已被越来越多地采用和尝试在许多语言教室在世界各地在最近的过去。在本文中,任务型语言学习的影响进行探讨,特别是关于成人学习者的特点使任务型教学方式更为合理beneficial.task-based指令是一个小的,但发展迅速,在当代外语教学的趋势。举一个例子,埃里克数据库显示了超过120篇关于这个问题自本世纪初开始。为了正确地讨论任务型学习,重要的是要了解“任务”是什么意思。任务已被很多研究者包括Nunan的定义(2004)曾写道:“任务是学习者理解、课堂工件操作,生产或在目标语言的作用”(9)。早于Nunan,Jane Willis(1996)定义为“一个任务活动,目标语言是以交际为目的的学习者使用,(目的)为了达到结果的”(p.23)。虽然定义有所不同的学者,他们都强调,教学任务涉及“交际语言的使用,用户的注意力都集中在意义,而不是语法形式”


The past decade has witnessed the advent of task-based instructional approaches in different names including problem-based learning, situated learning and case-based learning. Though varied in names, they all seem to have one thing in common; they get learners involved with tasks or problems as contrasted with more traditional topic-centered curriculum approaches. (Merrill, 2007). Proponents of task-based learning believe that learners involved with real-world problems form appropriate schema and mental models as they collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experience. Task-based instructional approaches have been widely adopted across a wide variety of discipline areas including medical training, social work, design, and language learning. This paper will discuss the implication of the task-based approach to second language learning where the method has been increasingly adopted and tried in many language classrooms across the world in the recent past. In this paper, the impact of task-based language learning will be explored with special regard to adult learners whose distinctive characteristics make task-based approaches more plausible and beneficial.Task-based instruction is a small, yet fast growing, trend in contemporary second language teaching. To give an example, the ERIC database shows over 120 articles on this issue since the beginning of this millennium. In order to discuss task-based learning properly, it is important to understand what the term 'task' means. Task has been defined by various researchers including Nunan (2004) who wrote that "a task is a piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language" (p.9). Earlier than Nunan, Jane Willis (1996) defined task as "an activity where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome" (p.23). While definitions vary somewhat among scholars, they all emphasize that pedagogical task involves "communicative language use where users' attention is focused on meaning rather than grammatical form"


