新西兰商科assignment代写 领导理论

真正的领导理论是建立在真诚、透明、与追随者建立关系的基础上,同时对自己是真实的(Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm, & McKee, 2014)。真正的领导者会以伦理的方式,运用理想化的影响力、鼓舞人心的动机和个性化的考虑来影响利益相关者的看法。在这里,领导者将通过动态的互动,在智力上激励下属,激发讨论和头脑风暴,共同寻找实现目标的创造性方法。真正的领导者具有远见,对组织有责任感,追随者甚至自我牺牲(Nichols & Erakovich, 2013)。总的来说,真正的领导者仍然忠于他们含蓄的本性。仆人领导理论强调,首先要做一个仆人,确保别人的需要得到满足。这种关系是建立在道德基础上的。仆人式领导的实践集中在更大的善的使命,指导,鼓舞团队,和开放的沟通。领导者的工作是理解和促进他们的利益相关者脱颖而出,并成功地实现他们的共同目标,这是组织的使命。仆人型领导通过专注于培养团队和社区福利来影响员工和社区的信任(吉田,森德佳雅,赫斯特,&库珀,2014)。仆人式领导和与员工建立关系对于鼓励员工的创造力和创新非常重要(Yoshida et al., 2014)。有效的领导人,创建一个组织的气候使自己和追随者不断学习和成长(Milić,Grubić-Nešić、Kuzmanović& Delić,2017)。这导致了对领导和组织的更大的奉献。服务型领导可以带来更好的结果,但这是以领导者为代价的,领导者会不计自身的代价支持利益相关者。仆人式领导常常陷入自我牺牲的奴性。

新西兰商科assignment代写 领导理论

Authentic leadership theory is based on genuine, transparent, relationships, built with followers, while being true to oneself (Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm, & McKee, 2014). Authentic leaders use idealized influence, inspirational motivation, and individualized consideration in an ethical manner to influence the perception of the stakeholder. Here leaders will intellectually stimulate followers with dynamic interactions, to stimulate discussion and brainstorming to come together to find creative ways to reach goals. Authentic leaders have vision with a sense of responsibility to the organization and followers to the point of self-sacrifice (Nichols & Erakovich, 2013). Overall, authentic leaders remain true to their implicit nature. Servant leadership theory emphasizes, being a servant first, making sure other’s needs are met over their own. The relationships are built on an ethical foundation. Servant leadership practices focus on the mission for the greater good, mentoring, inspiring the team, and open communication. Leaders work to understand and promote their stakeholders to excel and successfully reach their common goal, which is the mission of the organization. Servant leaders influence workforce and community trust through the focus on nurturing the team and community well-being (Yoshida, Sendjaya, Hirst, & Cooper, 2014). Servant leadership and building relationships with employees is important in encouraging employee creativity and innovation (Yoshida et al., 2014). Effective leaders, create an organizational climate which enables themselves and followers to continually learn and grow (Milić, Grubić-Nešić, Kuzmanović, & Delić, 2017). This results in an increased dedication to the leadership and the organization. Servant leadership results in improved outcomes, but it does so at the cost of the leader who will support the stakeholders no matter the cost to self. Servant leaders often fall into self-sacrificed servanthood.

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