新西兰商科作业代写 企业与员工关系
The past researches have supported us to explore the relationship between employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust and employee loyalty. In the prior research, the evidence indicates that the organization should take steps to satisfy employees with their current work content to make employee loyalty . Also, the prior research studied in how interpersonal trust have an impact on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in a single sector , but no study examines in general organizations – how employee satisfaction has an impact on employee loyalty, which mediated by interpersonal trust. We will extend the sample base to figure out the relationship in ten different sectors to discuss more accurate result from this paper. The study gave us perspectives on measuring the relationship between trust, organizational commitment and personal need. However, this research studied how to raise organization commitment from an individual perspective; organizational commitment is a broad concept – including three components: identification, involvement, and loyalty. Based on the past research, this study is focused on employee loyalty and interpersonal trust – expanding the concept of interpersonal trust: interpersonal trust includes not only on peer-level but on management level (Manager – employee & employee – employee). Currently, it is the nature of various modern organizations that are strongly moving towards team-based organizations instead of individual-based organizations. In the workplace relationship, the relationship with a trust could make employees feel psychological safety and lead employee easily satisfy the work environment. These findings support us to explore how interpersonal trust, as a mediator, to have an impact between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty accurately. By studying employee loyalty and employee satisfaction, researcher could provide perspective to organization: how to address the problem regarding service quality, productivity, employee capability. In a word, it cannot be concluded that trust exerts a positive influence on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in the current job market, but we have been given the support and inspiring perspectives from the past research in the related research field. Obviously, further study is supposed to be conducted to examine the relationship between employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust and employee satisfaction. The survey was conducted to team-based organizations in top 10 sectors around the U.S. and the positions of respondents are from entry-level to senior-level (Level A, B, C, D & E). The respondents with some work experience, therefore, have a basic understanding of interpersonal trust, employee satisfaction, and employee loyalty. The basic understanding of these concepts within an organization is used as control variable in this study.
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