


We should ensure that the education we impart is favorable to the wellbeing and unity of India. Peace is a prime requirement for progress and national integration. Implementing education for peace is not only an appropriate strategy for conflict resolution and conflict avoidance, but also a practical asset in realizing "the India of our dreams". Every society in every age has acknowledged peace as a noble and necessary ideal.Education for peace can make learning a joyful and meaningful experience if implemented with vigour and vision. In today's world, hurry and worry sour the joy of learning and challenge learning and harmony of life. Values get lost in this atmosphere of competition. Values are internalized through experience, which is unhappily lacking in the classroom centered and exclusively cognitive approach to teaching. Education for peace calls for the freedom of learning from the boundaries of the classroom and its transformation into a celebration of awareness enlivened with the delight of discovery. Education for peace contextualizes learning. We live in an age of unprecedented violence: locally, nationally and globally. It is a serious matter that schools, which are meant to be the nurseries of peace, become transmission points for violence. Education for peace seeks to nurture the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that comprise a culture of peace. Education for peace is holistic. Education for peace has a twofold purpose: (a) to empower individuals to choose the path of peace rather than the path of violence; (b) to enabling them to be peacemakers rather than consumers of peace.


