新西兰社会学论文代写 药物滥用强奸

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限制是所有的对象都是强奸受害者(Resick, Nishith, Weaver, Astin, & Feuer, 2002)。尽管这项研究仅针对强奸受害者,强奸仍然是一个创伤性事件,因此,它似乎可以有效治疗个人生活中的其他创伤性事件。另外,Mrs. Doe还可以寻找支持药物AA和NA的会议,同时也可以进行随机药物筛选,这样她就可以朝着自己的清醒方向努力。这可能不是最确切的治疗计划为多伊夫人,但它是一个可以有效的领域,需要在重点。总之,无论在她的童年还是在她现在的成年期,Doe夫人在她的生活中经历了很多。这么说,Doe女士并不是唯一有这些问题的客户,但她是独特的,就像所有的客户一样。为了继续帮助多伊夫人,她将需要根据为她提供的治疗计划继续进行康复,同时也要了解如果不能完成治疗的风险。在此过程中,服务可以提供给多伊夫人被推荐到当地机构需要。人们相信,如果多伊夫人是开放的,愿意接受帮助,并确实需要帮助,有能力成为一个有效的个人为自己和所爱的人。

新西兰社会学论文代写 药物滥用强奸

The limitation being that all the subjects were rape victims (Resick, Nishith, Weaver, Astin, & Feuer, 2002). Although this study was done on just rape victims, rape is a traumatic event nevertheless and with that, appears it could be an effective treatment for other traumatic events in the life of an individual. In addition, Mrs. Doe could also look for support drug AA and NA meetings, while also being randomly drug screen, so that she could work towards her sobriety. This may not be the most exact treatment plan for Mrs. Doe, but it is one that could effective her areas that need to be in focus. In conclusion, Mrs. Doe has been through a lot in her life whether it has been in her childhood or in her present adulthood. In saying that, Mrs. Doe is not the only client that has these presenting issues, but she is unique in her own way, as are all clients. In order to continue to help Mrs. Doe, she will need to continue towards her rehabilitation based on the treatment plan that have been provided for her while also having an understanding of the risk if of not completing her treatment. Along the way, services can be provided to Mrs. Doe by being referred to local agencies as needed. It is believed, that if Mrs. Doe is open and willing to accept the help and actually want the help, there is a capability of being an effective individual for herself and loved ones.


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