
正如已经讨论过的,脚手架是至关重要的学习者通过他们的近端发展区,并可以由教师进行。脚手架可以在课堂上练习在许多方面,教师需要欣赏,这是学生的教育进步的根本,这是如何实现的。支持材料需要被广泛使用,如写作框架支持一个特定的散文风格,或一个单词的列表来帮助完成一个运动过程,旨在协助了解实际设备的提供,尤其是在科学方面,可能有助于解释一个问题的解决方案,是一个引人入胜的方法。学生可以证明现实和重视的观点和现实的学习。 鉴于建构主义的探索性,课堂实践需要支持,并产生一个环境,让学生感到安全,寻求帮助和舒适的接近老师。教师必须意识到课堂上不同的支持需求,并通过差异化和课堂讨论、误解和缺乏理解的时间来满足这些需求。为了帮助教师确定那些需要更多的支持比其他人,形成性评估可以纳入突出学生的个人需要,需要加以解决。最终,这将允许任务的设计和面向个人的学习能力。 不同于行为主义理论、建构主义理论、社会互动中扮演重要角色的赞赏和认可的社会互动的重要性在学习(Phillips,1995)。允许社会互动的机会,如小组合作,用语言在群体构建思想是鼓励,根据琼斯和Brader anjerie(2002)是常规课堂。


As already discussed, scaffolding is crucial for the learner to pass through their zone of proximal development, and can be undertaken by the teacher. Scaffolding can be practiced in the classroom in many ways, and teachers need to appreciate that this is fundamental to the educational progression of students and how this may be achieved. Support materials need to be widely available, such as a writing frame to support a particular style of prose, or a list of words to help in the process of completing an exercise, designed to assist understanding The provision of practical apparatus, especially in science, may help to explain the solution to a problem and is an engaging approach. Students can evidence reality and attach a sense of perspective and reality to their learning.Given the exploratory nature of constructivism, classroom practice needs to be supportive and generate an environment where the student feels safe to ask for help and comfortable in approaching the teacher. The teacher must be aware of the different supportive needs of the class, and meet these through differentiation and allowing time for class discussion, misconceptions and any lack of understanding. To help the teacher identify those who need more support than others, formative assessment can be incorporated to highlight the students' individual needs that need to be addressed. Ultimately, this will allow tasks to be designed and geared towards the individual's learning ability.Unlike, behaviourism theories, constructivist theory appreciates the important role social interaction plays and recognises the importance of social interaction in learning (Phillips, 1995). Allowing for social interaction opportunities, such as collaborative group work and using language to construct ideas in groups are encouraged and according to Jones and Brader-anjerie, (2002) is regular practice in classrooms .


