The acceptance of education for peace as a necessary ingredient of holistic education was due to the rise and spread of violence. Decade of 2000-2010 was declared as the international decade for promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence by the UNESCO. But Indian education commissions have always recommended education for peace in many forms, but these recommendations are not being applied even today. The report of the Secondary Education Commission (1952-53) stated that "the supreme end of the educative process should be the training of the character and personality of students in such a way that they will be able to realize their full potentials and contribute to the well-being of the community". The Kothari education Commission (1964-66) put the spotlight on the education and national development and said that "absence of provision for education in social, moral and spiritual values is a serious defect in the curriculum". The National Policy on Education (1986) advocated turning education into "a forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values". The programme of Action (1992) tried to integrate the various components of value education into the curriculum at the all stages of school education. National Curriculum Framework (2005) recommended that education in true sense should empower individuals to clarify their values; to enable them to take conscious and deliberate decisions, taking into cognizance the consequences of their actions; to choose the way of peace rather than violence.Thus, our education system has always followed education for peace but these initiatives remained largely on the paper even today due to various reasons like lack of proper training of teachers in their role as peace builders; curriculum load; absence of right attitudes and practices in the school; improper pedagogical and evaluation practices; violent social atmosphere etc.