


Of particular interest are pupils from the lower classes, due to the way in which they are raised and live their lives, it is thought that they have less access to the discourse of education. According to Rothstein (2004) those from the lower classes are read to in early childhood less often than those who have educated parents, and those who are read to, are not as challenged with the creative questions. This results in a lower familiarity with words, impacting upon early learning upon school entry, regardless of the natural ability of the child to learn (p. 19). Children and adolescents from lower socio-economic backgrounds are prime examples of users of restricted code, however as elaborated code is more explicit in meaning, it is a better method of communication when attempting to provide explanations when there is no previous knowledge, so more comprehensive explanations can be delivered (p.34), a situation which reflects favourably to a school environment where pupils are receiving the majority of information for the first time. As education is arguably more suitably delivered in elaborated code, the result is the emergence of the discourse problem. To support this Bernstein (1962) explains that elaborative code is universalistic with reference to its meaning with respect to its model, i.e. "it summarises general social means and ends." (p. 33) and therefore "only some people have access to the code and to the potential universalistic character of its meanings." (p. 34). Contrarily, restricted code is particularistic with reference to its meaning with respect to its model, i.e. "it summarises local social means and ends." (p. 33) thus "all people have access to the code and to its local condensed meanings"


