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Peace, as an integrative perspective for the school curriculum, is an idea whose time has come. Education for peace acknowledges the goal of promoting a culture of peace as the purpose shaping the endeavor of education. Education for peace is education for life, and not merely training for a livelihood. Equipping individuals with the values, skills, and attitudes they need to be wholesome persons who live in harmony with others and as responsible citizens is the goal of the education for peace. It is very necessary in a nation like India as the nation is full of diversity whether it is religion, language, rituals, traditions, customs. And there are incidents with in the country when the conflicts between different religious communities or languages communities had arisen and took the form of violence. Violence is an easy weapon to react to the problems and today's youth is becoming more and more familiar or used to of this "unwanted weapon". Children acquire all these values and attitudes from their experiences which they gained in the school or at home. So, there is an urgent need for the education for peace so that the citizens of tomorrow can be empowered to choose the way of peace. Necessary skills, values and attitudes required for the peace need to be developed and inculcated in children if we want to have a safe and progressing future for all of us.


