
在标签的“第一代”最初是用来在AS早期AS的安达(霍奇,1982年)。“第一代”的标签就一个定义,调查研究,在已进行的第一代学生多年来。今天,第一代大学生。大学生是确定从家庭和参加学院或大学有“父(派克和奶牛,2005)。根据布维(2002年),第一代大学生更可能是非洲裔美国人或西班牙裔,来从低SES背景。 因为第一代大学生在大学的学生决定参加,主要是打破传统,远离家庭和家庭不鼓励或支持大学教育已经建立,这在他们的家庭,他们往往从其他学生制作的不同群体。学生可能是第一代少比第一代非学位学生,坚持自己(派克和奶牛,2005)。陈(2005年)报告的第一代学生参加两次国家机构是为退出之前获得他们的副学士学位,当相比,非第一代学生。甚至更多的警报,是低收入和第一代学生的辍学率是高的,甚至当其他学生相比,第一代(陈,2005年)。


The label "first-generation" was originally used by Adachi as early as 1982 (Hodges, 1999). The label "first-generation" grew into a definition, due to research that has been conducted on first-generation students over the years. Today, first-generation students are identified as college students from families in which neither parent has attended college or university (Pike & Kuh, 2005). According to Bui (2002) first-generation college students are more likely African-American or Hispanic, and come from a low SES background.Because first-generation college students decides to attend college, these students are breaking away from familiar and family traditions that did not encourage nor support college education, which have been established within their families, thereby, making them different from other student populations. First-generations students are less likely than non first-generation students, to persist to their degree (Pike & Kuh, 2005). Chen (2005) reported first-generation students attending a two institution were twice as likely to drop out before obtaining their associate degree, when compared to non first-generation students. Even more alarming, being low-income and first-generation student, the dropout rate is even higher when compared to other first-generation students (Chen 2005).


