


Various studies have looked at what adolescents view as the "most important" components of self-esteem. They have found that "physical appearance" tops the list, followed by "social acceptance" (Kutob, 2010). As a training physical educator, I feel this is extremely important to our discipline and it is an area where we can make a real impact on students. We have the flexibility within our subject to cater for both components, especially physical appearance. As a PE teacher, I will try to improve self esteem and aid overall student development by teaching my students the healthy way to make a difference to their appearance. Whetestone (2007) carried out a study of over 5000 youths and found that boys who perceived themselves as either underweight or overweight were significantly associated with suicidal actions or thoughts as were girls who saw themselves as overweight. Keeping this in mind, I can deliver some of my lessons through the curriculum model of "Health Related Activity" highlighting the benefits of exercise to them, what is meant by BMI, how to achieve a healthy BMI etc. I can also focus on nutrition and diet and overall provide my students with the opportunity and knowledge to change their current behaviours which may be leading to their low self esteem, hence improving their self esteem. To enhance my student's judgement of social acceptance, I will deliver a strand using the Sport Education curriculum model. This model will enhance each student's participation within my PE class. Each student will be a member of a team, this will give them with a sense of belonging, help them develop feelings of identity, learn that they are important to their team and their constant interaction will improve their social skills. Incorporating such models and ideas into my PE class should result in an increase in student's self esteem leading to improved relations between the teacher and student and also amongst their peers.


