从学生参与的全国调查研究的主要发现(2005)的观点,揭示了人口因素如社会经济和种族,对第一代学生坚持向大学毕业的负面影响。terenzine等人(1996)从他们的研究中,第一代的学生来自低社会经济背景下的野心会推断,关于教育,从高中到大学,承载。然而,布朗和布哈特(1999)推断,第一代大学生进入大学与非第一代大学生相同的教育抱负。据terenzine等人(1996)的第一代大学生正处于一个明显不利的时候,社会经济背景,相比非第一代大学生。 另一项由蔡(2001)进行的研究比较了第一代大学生与非第一代学生,他们有相似的社会经济背景和高等教育机构类型。这项研究发现,13%的第一代大学生不可能获得大学学位相比,非第一代学生的33%(蔡,2001)。蔡还发现,第一代学生中有45%的人在第一年后辍学的可能性更大,而非第一代学生占29%。这项研究的一个关键发现,人口统计,如社会经济背景和排名,实际上作为一个障碍,非第一代学生坚持走向毕业。以第一代学生为研究对象的学生对非第一代学生没有相同的坚持。
A major finding from a study conducted by the National Survey of Student Engagement (2005b) Viewpoint, revealed that demographic factors such as socioeconomic and ethnicity, have a negative effect on first-generation students persistence toward graduation from college. Terenzine et al (1996) inferred from their study that first-generation students coming from a lower socioeconomic background will have lower ambition, in regards to education, which starts in high school and carrying over into college. However, Brown and Burkhardt (1999) inferred that first-generation college students approach college with the same educational ambition as non first-generation college students. According to Terenzine et al (1996) first-generation college students are at a clear disadvantage when it comes to socioeconomic background, when compared to non first-generation college students.Another study conducted by Choy (2001) compares first-generation college students to non first-generation students, with similar socioeconomic background, and higher education institution types. This study found that 13% of first generation college students were not likely to obtain a college degree when compared to 33% of non first-generation students (Choy, 2001). Choy also found that 45% of first-generation students were more likely to drop out of college after the first year, versus 29% of non first-generation students. A key finding of this study disclosed that demographics such as socioeconomic backgrounds and standings, did in fact act as a barrier for non first-generation students persistence toward graduation. Students with a profile labeling them as first-generation students did not have the same persistence toward graduation as non first-generation students.