
越来越多的研究指出,社交网络的潜在影响教师的教学实践,并最终有利于学生成就(科本&罗素,2008;Daly等人,在出版社;Penuel,弗兰克,&克劳斯,2007;毗努伊勒和瑞尔,2007)。在社会网络理论的基础上,这些研究探讨在何种程度上的关系,教师之间的关系,在这些关系中的资源交换可能支持或制约学校的功能和改善。社会网络理论的一个重要特征是对个人和社会关系联系起来的演员的焦点(Wasserman & galaskiewicz,1994)。通过教育者的社会互动、社会关系发展成错落有致的纽带,编织学校团队的社会结构(字段,2003;Putnam,2000)。社会网络理论认为,质量和这个社会的织物密度最终决定的速度,通过社会网络的方向和流量资源(Burt,1992)。反过来,它是通过流量和利用社会资源,集体行动可以促进组织目标可以实现(Lin,2001;洛克纳,Kawachi,&甘乃迪,1999)。例如,强大的社会关系建议,以促进联合解决问题,降低交易成本,并支持复杂的,默契的网络成员之间的交流.


A growing body of educational research points to the potential of social networks to affect teachers' instructional practice, and ultimately, benefit student achievement (Coburn & Russell, 2008; Daly et al., in press; Penuel, Frank, & Krause, 2007; Penuel & Riel, 2007). Building on social network theory, these studies examine the extent to which the pattern of relationships among teachers and the exchange of resources within these relationships may support or constrain school functioning and improvement. An important feature of social network theory is the focus on both the individual actors and the social relationships linking them (Wasserman & Galaskiewicz, 1994). Through social interaction among educators, social relationships develop into a patchwork of ties that knit the social fabric of school teams (Field, 2003; Putnam, 2000). Social network theory argues that the quality and denseness of this social fabric eventually determines the speed, direction and flow of resources through a social network (Burt, 1992). In turn, it is through the flow and use of social resources that collective action may be facilitated and organizational goals may be achieved (Lin, 2001; Lochner, Kawachi, & Kennedy, 1999). For instance, strong social relationships are suggested to facilitate joint problem solving, lower transaction costs, and support the exchange of complex, tacit knowledge among network members


