教师效能取决于元素的概念化的参与教学,虽然,人格和信仰也影响他们的教学实践。理论强调,大多数教师指导他们的行为和决定通过一组有组织的个人信仰,这些常常影响他们的性能,有意识或者无意识(Johnson,1999)。它也已在文献中讨论,教师通常以同样的方式教他们教,因为他们倾向于遵循相同的规则和程序参照他们的学习经验(贝利,柯蒂斯& Nunan 2001)。因此,教师信念塑造他们的世界和他们的学生操作和这些心智模式“现实”是高度个人主义的,因为没有两个教室,或可以,一样的。此外,亚伯拉罕和凡(1987年,p.95)解释,学习者的语言哲学是指“信仰语言如何运作,因此,如何学习”。这种哲学指导学习者语言学习的方法。费雷拉(2006)声称对第二语言习得的信念将直接影响学习者的态度、动机和学习策略。因此,作者认为信仰通常是由学生和教师的背景,因为他们是通过与他人的互动,形成自己的经验和周围环境的影响。
Teacher effectiveness depends on the conceptualization of all of the elements involved in teaching, although, the personality and beliefs also influence their teaching practice. Theories have stressed the idea that most teachers guide their actions and decisions by a set of organized personal beliefs and that these often affect their performance, consciously or unconsciously (Johnson, 1999). It has also been discussed in the literature that teachers usually teach the same way they were taught since they tend to follow the same rules and routines making reference to their learning experience (Bailey, Curtis & Nunan, 2001). Therefore, teachers' beliefs shape the world in which they and their students operate and these mental models of "reality" are highly individualistic since no two classrooms are, or can be, the same. In addition, Abraham and Vann (1987, p.95) explain that learners' philosophy of language refer to "beliefs about how language operates, and, consequently, how it is learned". This philosophy guides the learners approach to language learning. Ferreira (2006) claims that beliefs about second language acquisition will directly impact learners' attitude, motivation and learning strategies. Thus, the authors state that beliefs are usually shaped by students' and teachers' backgrounds since they are formed through interactions with others, own experiences and the impact of the environment around them.