The critical emphasis of this essay is on developing countries and corrupt activities in the political sphere at the public and private level. It is clear that there exist different forms of political corruption with a range of characteristics, which need to be mapped. Alatas in 1990 distinguished between ‘transactive’ and ‘extortive’ corruption. The former refers to a mutual arrangement concerning a donor and a recipient to the mutual advantage of both parties, whereas the latter entails a sort of pressure, usually to avoid the harm being imposed on the donor or those close to him/her.It is possible to consider other categories which could contribute to a typology of political corruption: differences could be drawn between high and low level (‘grand’ corruption versus ‘petty’); the first one involves a substantial amount of money, it involves political decision-makers, the laws and regulations are abused by the rulers, ignored, or tailored to fit interests. Whereas the latter refers to the bending of rules in favour of friends, it’s the everyday corruption in connection with the implementation of existing laws, rules and regulations at the “street level with minor public administration officials and services. In most developing countries, corruption has been widespread and has become part of everyday life; most societies are aware of it and some even make it look like part of their culture. Developing countries are more likely to experience ′State Capture′ and ′Kleptoratic′ corruption. State Capture represents a form of corruption Introduced by Hellman and Kaufmann and used by the World Bank in 2000.