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因此,道德品质在教学中无处不在,但在教学标准中却缺失。它使学校的生活充满生气,但它却无声无息地移动着。它吸引了老师们的理想主义,吸引了家长和利益相关者的渴望,但如果它引发了对灌输和强加与信仰或家庭无关的价值观的怀疑,它也会让人踌躇。学校被期望形成性格,但如果教育者能够自如地使用道德语言,学校就会成为相互竞争的道德话语的丛林(Goodman & Lesnick, 2001)。很明显,师德教育的培养迫在眉睫,但师德教育在哪里呢?很少有教师教育项目是有意为教师的任务做准备的,因为道德教育者几乎没有接受过职前或在职的品德教育培训。最好的期待是道德舞台上几节课或社会领域理论挤进一个课程教育和发展心理学几个老师感觉品德教育的任务,而大多数院长同意老师的形成应该涉及道德品质教育训练,大多数人很难讲,在教师教育课程。


So moral character is omnipresent in every instructional encounter but absent from teaching standards. It animates the life of schools, but it moves about without a sound. It attracts the idealism of teachers and the aspirations of parents and stakeholders, but it is an agenda that also gives pause if it invites suspicions about indoctrination and the imposition of values alien to faith or family. Schools are expected to form character but are thickets of competing moral discourse, if educators are comfortable using moral language at all (Goodman & Lesnick, 2001). It is clear that training in moral-character education could not be more urgent, but where is it found in teacher education? Few teacher education programs are intentionally and deliberately preparing teachers for their task as moral educators Teachers receive almost no preservice or in-service training in moral-character education. The best one can hope for is a few lectures on moral stage or social domain theory squeezed into a course on educational or developmental psychology As a result few teachers feel up to the task of moral-character education Whereas most deans agree that teacher formation should involve training in moral-character education, most are hard-pressed to say just where that goes on in their teacher education curriculum.


